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I’m inviting you to make better, healthier choices in life. Start by checking out my easy tips on how to make changes at a pace that works for you!

Image by Ekaterina Grosheva


When starting an exercise program that incorporates any type of weight training (including body weight exercises) use progress pics, inches lost, how your clothes fit and how you feel as your methods of measuring results.

Truth is the scale may not change in the first few weeks or months. This is because you are replacing that fat you are burning with beautifully toned muscle which is heavier than fat. 


Reaching your goals doesn’t take going on a crash diet, starving yourself and being miserable.  Throughout the years, I have seen people trying fad diet after fad diet.  Unfortunately, this takes them on a never-ending cycle of repeatedly losing then gaining even more than they lost.

What I recommend is a healthy lifestyle change that meets the criteria of what I like to call the three S’s.  SAFE, SUSTAINABLE and SUITABLE. In other words, it should be done at a pace that works for you while implementing gradual changes as you go. Trying to rush progress often leads to burnout.  This then leads to slowed (or even halted) progress. From there, frustration and possibly a loss of stamina prevent you from pushing toward your goals. This doesn’t have to be the case! As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I can help get you on a plan that works for you!  



It is important to ease into any fitness regimen.  This allows you to monitor how your body is responding and make sure it’s safe for you.  

Something that goes unnoticed in many cases is  muscular imbalances.  These can develop from things we do repeatedly every day.  Some examples are sitting, driving and texting. Our occupation often plays a huge role in this.

Did you know that these imbalances can lead to injury while both working out and doing everyday tasks?

Incorporating corrective exercises into your workout program can be beneficial.  

Contact me today to schedule an assessment!

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